Laser Tattoo Removal in Daugavpils
Even the most beautiful tattoos can lose their appeal or shape over time, become annoying and no longer enjoyable.
This is perfectly natural, as our preferences and attitudes tend to change. This is why experts are continuously improving the technologies that allow us to remove certain inscriptions and patterns from the skin.
If you need laser tattoo removal in Daugavpils you are welcome to visit the VeAn parlor, where our experts will do it safely and effectively.

Reasons and Features of Tattoo Removal
Our specialists at the VeAn tattoo parlor always inform each client, even at the stage of consultation, that it is impossible to remove a design on your own: the pigment is injected into the subcutaneous layers.
It is important to entrust laser tattoo removal in Daugavpils to professionals.
Every client has their own reasons for getting a tattoo removed:
- A design made at a younger age, under the influence of emotions, no longer seems attractive;
- The tattoo is unaesthetic to look at due to a change in the weight of the owner or it has lost its color over time;
- The partner or spouse does not approve of the tattoo, the new place of work has a strict dress code, prohibiting displaying tattoos on the exposed areas of the skin.
In some cases, if a tattoo turned out bad, it can be corrected (overlapped) with another thicker tattoo or complemented with new details. However, if the tattoo has lost its relevance or attractiveness, its complete removal requires several procedures, using modern laser equipment. A laser beam of a certain frequency can effectively break the pigment structure into smaller particles, which can be flushed out by the body itself with lymph. Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove even a minor tattoo in one treatment—you will need several visits to the specialist.

What the number of treatments depends on?
The number of procedures required for tattoo removal depends on several factors: the specialist evaluates the size of the design, the color scheme, the depth of ink injection and the “age” of the tattoo in order to determine the exact number of treatments required for complete removal.
A preliminary consultation will inform the client about the number of treatments to be scheduled. Some swelling and redness may occur during the procedure, which will resolve quickly. In case of a low pain threshold, the specialist uses local anesthetics. All procedures are performed in absolute sterility and comply with the standards accepted in the field.

Who is not eligible for
laser tattoo removal in Daugavpils
Contraindications are one more reason to schedule a free consultation with a specialist.
There are several non-obvious reasons why you should not have a laser tattoo removal at all or should postpone the procedure for a while.
Let's see what the contraindications may be:
- If you have any skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema), especially in the area of the tattoo you are going to remove;
- You are prone to skin scarring;
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding—the procedure may cause unwanted stress and pain in women during this period;
- A cardiac pacemaker or other similar devices, as well as heart and vascular problems;
- Skin injuries (burns, scratches, allergic reactions);
- Illnesses and mental disorders, in which painful sensations or stress can serve as a catalyst for seizures or a worsening of the client's condition;
- Also contraindications should include: cancer diseases, HIV, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus.
We do our best to make the procedures we offer safe for all of our clients.