Piercing aftercare

Piercing aftercare

Soft tissue and cartilage punctures are often used to beautify the body.

Piercing gives an opportunity to emphasize the individuality of the style, stand out in the crowd, to show an unusual style. If earlier such an instrument of self-expression was used only by representatives of subcultures, today the service is popular among people of different ages, social status, type of activity. Many people through piercing want to free their rebellious spirit. Other people want to attract the attention of the opposite gender.

It doesn’t matter why you have already decided to get the piercing. It also doesn’t matter which puncture place you choose - brows, lips, nostrils or earlobes. It is important to contact an experienced professional with a good reputation, and it is also important to follow all the recommendations of a specialist concerning the aftercare period. If you ignore them, there could be complications - inflammation, suppuration, abscess.

Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare

What is correct aftercare?

Immediately after the session, an inflammatory reaction occurs at the site of the puncture.

The skin turns red. It often swells. The succubus protrudes from the wound. After the procedure, the master tells how to care for the piercing. It is important to listen to him/her carefully, so that nothing is missed. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them. It is all about your health.

When considering general recommendations, the aftercare of piercing is as follows:

  • The first 14 days the puncture hole should be washed with antiseptic 5-6 times a day. Proven effective antiseptic agents can be bought immediately after the puncture in the tattoo salon «VeAn». For the next 6 weeks, it is necessary to treat the wound every day at least once a day.
  • After disinfection, a healing ointment is applied to the wound. You can also buy it in our salon. We offer only proven professional remedies that well heal the wound, do not cause allergies.
  • The recommended frequency of antiseptic treatment depends on the type of puncture. It is important to understand that nostrils piercing will heal longer than earlobe piercing. The more difficult the puncture, the more often you need to disinfect the wound.
  • For 1.5 months, traces of inflammation should pass at the site of any puncture. If edema and redness can be seen, you should consult a dermatologist. Complete healing of the piercings is observed approximately six months after the visit.
Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare

How to make the piercing heal faster?

We’ll tell you how to treat the piercing:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly. The puncture hole has to be free from clothes.
  • Moisten the cotton pad in the antiseptic. Attach it to the puncture hole.
  • Leave a cotton pad at the puncture hole for a while so that the crust is completely soaked.
  • Gently remove the jewelry from the puncture hole so that the disinfectant penetrates the hole. Do not pull the accessory so as not to cause more damage.
  • Wipe all surfaces of the decoration with antiseptic.

It is strongly recommended not to treat puncture hole and skin around with alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide solution, cologne. Use only the products that the specialists of our salon recommend.

Piercing aftercare

Features of preparation
for the procedure and the
organization of the aftercare

Proper piercing aftercare promotes rapid healing of the puncture hole.

In addition to the common treatment follow these rules:

  • Do not smoke for 2-3 hours after performing a puncture.
  • Refuse alcohol a day before the puncture, on the day of the procedure and for the next day. Drinking alcohol in order «to be brave» is strictly forbidden.
  • Do not go to the sauna, swimming pool until the wound is completely healed. Try to avoid the sun, as much as possible, protect the piercing from any external influences.
  • During hygienic procedures, be careful. Try to avoid water entering the wound, as well as its damage with a washcloth. Until the wound is completely tightened, you cannot take a bath - take a shower.
  • Do not try to disguise the piercing by putting on the puncture hole decorative cosmetics. This is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Decorative foundation cream or powder «clogs» a wound and can cause its infection.
  • Do not touch the puncture with dirty hands, do not wipe down with means that are not recommended by the master.
  • Don’t pull the jewelry. Until the piercing is completely healed, you do not need to pull out the basic accessory to replace it with a more fashionable or attractive one. All this can be done later, after full healing of the wound.

Remember, proper piercing aftercare will ensure quick recovery of the skin and reduce the risk of complications. All masters of salon «VeAn» have medical education. If you are worried about puncture, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. He’ll analyze the causes of the inflammation, show you how to treat piercings again.

Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare
How long do punctures heal?

It may take up to six months for the puncture hole to heal. It will take much less time to reduce the inflammation processes.

How much depends on such factors:

  • puncture hole;
  • regenerative abilities of the body;
  • immunity.

Wound healing is slower in people with metabolic disorders, with diabetes mellitus. On average, punctures of different sites heal as follows:

  • Ear cartilage, tongue - about 1.5 months;
  • Lips - 2 months;
  • Septum - up to 2 months;
  • Monroe, bridge, brows, nostrils - up to 2.5 months.
  • Labret, nipples - 2-2.5 months.
  • Belly button, genitals - up to 6 months.
  • Microdermal - up to 9 months.
  • A flat puncture, where a certain part of the decoration is placed under the skin - up to 9 months.
Piercing aftercare
When do you need to consult a specialist?
  • The skin around the puncture is red, the swelling does not decrease for several days.
  • A painful subcutaneous nodule appeared at the puncture hole.
  • You have a fever or a «burning» wound.
  • Pus, blood, succubus is getting out from the hole.
Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare
Piercing aftercare
Piercing rejection

Unfortunately, there are cases when the jewelry «does not stick».

The reason for this may be in the wrong selection of the accessory, its low quality. Rejection of the ring or barbel is accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin, expressed pain syndrome. Other symptoms of rejection include:

  • The puncture has expanded, and a transparent or muddy liquid is released from it.
  • The puncture area and around it itches, hurts you.

If you find such symptoms, we are waiting for you for free consultation in the tattoo salon «VeAn», where a specialist with medical education will identify find the reasons for such «unsatisfactory situation» and give recommendations for further actions. Usually, it is enough to provide the right aftercare f and replace the accessory with a more suitable model. In the salon you will be able to buy products for the aftercare period and necessary accessories.

Piercing aftercare

Pay attention to the puncture hole to heal the wound faster:

  • Do not wear tight clothes if the puncture is made on the body, flashy underwear, if we are talking about genital piercing.
  • Do not work out and avoid tactile interactions that can lead to piercing injury.
  • Don’t wear headphones after the earlobes piercing.
  • Protect the puncture hole from cosmetics.
  • Tongue, cheeks, lips piercing require special aftercare. The oral cavity is necessary to rinse after each meal. You can buy special rinsing solutions in our shop.

Attention: For any manifestations of inflammatory process or if you have any questions, please contact our masters. We’ll give you a proper aftercare recommendation to avoid complications.


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