Eyebrow piercing
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The Eyebrow Piercing:
Everything You Need to Know

Eyebrow piercing is one of the most popular body art options.

Puncture in the area of the brow looks bold and stylish, makes the face expressive and memorable. One of the advantages of this puncture is the ability to experiment with different decorations and create unique looks. Famous actors and musicians Scarlett Johansson, Fergie, Stacy, Emma Watson, Zane Malik, Kara Delevinn decorated the eyebrows with asymmetric pins, barbells and rings.

The Eyebrow Piercing
The Eyebrow Piercing
The Eyebrow Piercing

What are the different types
of eyebrow piercings?

Vertical piercing of the eyebrows is the most common variant.

The hole is made in the direction from top to bottom. The rod of the jewelry passes under the eyebrow. The edges of the decoration protrude above and below the brow arch. The classic horizontal piercing of the eyebrows is slightly above or below the level of the brow arch closer to the outer edge. For horizontal puncture choose the decoration dumbbells or microdermals. Horizontal piercing is less common than vertical, which is due to the complexity of the performance. Other types:

  1. The Anti-Eyebrow (Butterfly) Piercing.
    1. The puncture is below the level of the eyebrows and eyes. The jewelry is a curved barbell or microdermal.
  2. Diagonal.
    1. Type of vertical puncture.
  3. Bridge.
    1. The hole between the brow arches. The puncture can be horizontal and vertical. The jewelry can be mini bananas, microdermal, rings.

Punctures in the area of the brow arch can be single and multiple. The choice depends on the anatomical features and personal preferences of the client. Eyebrow piercing is not recommended for people with thin skin.

The Eyebrow Piercing
The Eyebrow Piercing


For the procedure should choose an experienced piercer.

Improper puncture can lead to damage to the trigeminal nerve followed by neuralgia and neuropathy. Salon masters «VeAn» strictly adhere to the requirements of sanitation and medical protocols. Piercers works in disposable gloves. The puncture is treated with a disinfectant compound.

A special marker is used to mark up. At this stage, the client can make changes. If the client is satisfied with the arrangement of the future jewelry, the master fixes part of the eyebrow with a special clip and makes a puncture. The clamp captures enough skin to make a deep puncture. A sterile jewelry is inserted into the hall.

Most people describe pain as moderate. The level of pain depends on individual sensitivity and receptivity. Pain and discomfort are significantly reduced within 1-3 minutes after the puncture.

Within 7-10 days after the procedure, redness, swelling and soreness may be observed at the site of exposure. It’s a normal response to skin damage.

The Eyebrow Piercing

Eyebrow piercing and aftercare

It takes about 3-6 months for the puncture to fully heal.

The indicator is individual, depends on the quality of aftercare and individual features of the body. Proper eyebrow piercing aftercare will prevent complications and accelerate tissue healing. In the salon «VeAn» you will receive detailed instructions on how to care for the piercing wound. Basic rules:

  • Prevent water from entering the wound for the first 3 days.
  • Regularly clean the hole and decoration with antiseptic solutions. For cleaning, a cotton sponge or cotton pad soaked in a solution is usually used.
  • Dry the the wound with a paper towel.
  • Do not touch the wound with your hands.
  • Avoid contact with garments and accessories such as hats and glasses.
  • Prevent the wound from being contaminated with detergents and cosmetics, including soap, shower gel, lotion, creams etc.

Do not remove or independently change the jewelry until the wound is fully healed. Symptoms that indicate the development of an inflammatory process are severe redness, intense pain and swelling of soft tissues, increased body temperature. In case of signs of infection, you should immediately contact a master or doctor.

In addition to infection, more often than with other types of piercings, there is rejection or migration of decoration. In the first case, it is about pushing a foreign object. When migrating occurs an unplanned displacement of the jewelry. The appearance of signs of an incorrect position of the barbell is a reason to turn to the piercer. The risk of rejection or migration increases with the long healing of the wound.

The Eyebrow Piercing
The Eyebrow Piercing

Many decorations are suitable for eyebrows piercing.

It is preferable to install studs, rings, straight and round barbells, labrets, mini bananas, horseshoes. You should choose jewelry made of silver and gold, platinum and teflon, medical steel and titanium. Hypoallergenic metals are biocompatible, which reduces the risk of allergic reaction or rejection. Experienced masters advise you as the first decoration to choose a product of titanium.

The curved barbells is one of the popular initial options. After full healing of the hole, you can replace the barbell with a ring. The main criteria when choosing decorations - the diameter of the rod and size. Usually used 16g barbells with a diameter of 1.2 mm. Too massive and heavy decorations are not suitable for eyebrows piercing.

The Eyebrow Piercing
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