What do you need to
know before getting a
tragus piercing?
A tragus piercing is a piercing that is located on the small piece of cartilage that covers the ear canal.
The hole goes through a tiny, triangular cartilage. This is one of the most popular body modification options. It is so due to its discreet location. Tragus piercing can be made even under strict dress code at work.
Many celebrities chose the elegant decoration, including Scarlett Johansson and Rihanna, Chloe Moretz and Zoe Kravitz, Lucy Hale, Keilani and Willow Smith. The versatility of tragus piercing lies in the ability to have a variety of decorations from concise gold rings to spectacular earrings with precious stones.

Features and types
Tragus piercing can be vertical and horizontal.
In the first case, the needle passes downwards, piercing the gtragus along, in the second - the needle is perpendicular to the cartilage surface. The advantage of vertical puncture - the ability to use more types of jewelry. The hole can be placed in the middle of the cartilage or moved in the direction above and below. Alternatively, a double puncture of the tragus. Two holes are made for wearing different decorations.
Some masters practice superficial tragus piercing when instead of cartilage only the skin is pierced. In this case, part of the earring is permanently under the skin. The advantage of puncture is rapid healing, a disadvantage - an increase in the probability of rejection of a foreign object located under the skin.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to contact an experienced master.
Improper puncture can cause nerve damage, cause facial asymmetry or hearing impairment.
When puncturing the tragus, our master follows the rules of sanitation and medical protocols. Before the procedure, the piercer treats the place of punture with a disinfectant composition. Then apply marking. The master makes the hole with a sterile needle and immediately inserts the decoration. Usually use a 16g needle with a diameter of 1.2 mm.
Tragus puncture is mildly painful. The level of pain depends on the individual sensitivity of the person. According to professionals, the pain is caused more by the pressure on the ear than by the puncture itself. The intense pain is short-term, usually significantly reduced after 3-5 minutes.

Healing and aftercare
Cartilage heals longer after puncture than soft tissue.
The healing period of tragus piercings is about 6-12 months. Professionals recommend wearing one piece of jewelry without removing for 1 year to avoid injury of the wound and the development of complications.
The first few weeks are normal to feel discomfort and moderate pain. Such manifestations are a natural reaction of the body to the injury. There is often a slight swelling of the tissues for several weeks. Proper aftercare speeds up the healing process and prevents complications from developing. Basic aftercare rules:
- Clean the puncture daily with disinfectants.
- Avoid contact of a wound with hands, clothes, pillow and other objects.
- Prevent exposure to moisture, detergents and cosmetics.
- Do not wear headphones and caps that squeeze piercing.
- Do not twist or pull the earring.
- Less to talk on your mobile phone. Applying a gadget to your ear, you can get an infection in an open wound.
You should regularly change bedding and prevent tightening the hair around the earring. It is recommended to sleep on the opposite side of the piercing in order to reduce the risk of traumatic injury during sleep. In «VeAn» salon you will receive detailed instructions about the rules of puncture aftercare. We can buy professional aftercare products.
In case of symptoms of infection - bright redness, swelling, severe pain, fever, you should contact a doctor or a master.

Tragus piercing jewelry ideas
Quality tragus piercing decorations are made of stainless steel, medical steel, silver and gold, teflon and titanium.
Experienced masters recommend using titanium as the first decoration. This minimizes the risk of complications.
Usually it is the studs and rings that differ in size and style. The diameter of the rings is usually 6-8 mm. For tragus piercing solid and open rings are great. Usually, they do not have a backing. Rings with a variety of pendants look spectacular.
For better position of the decoration, it is better to use a half-ring type «horseshoe», which have fixing balls on the edges. An alternative decoration is microbananas, which are curved rods of small size with fixing balls along the edges.
Tragus piercing is suitable for people of any age and gender. Puncture looks fashionable, after complete healing does not bring the owner any discomfort, does not affect the look dramatically. Another advantage is that there is practically no bleeding during and after the procedure.