Lip piercing
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Lip piercing

European countries learned about piercings in the Middle Ages for the first time.

It was during research of the peoples of Africa. Many tribes decorated their bodies in this unusual way, showing which tribe they belonged to, their line of work, their place in society. Today the puncture of body is considered the original decoration and modification, as well as the way of self-expression. There are many types of body modification. In this article we will look more closely at lip piercing. This is one of the most popular types of puncture of the body, which is widely sought after by girls and boys. This type of piercing has many styles, which will be described later in the article.

Lip piercing
Lip piercing
Lip piercing

Lip piercings types

  1. Monroe.
    1. Beautiful, stylish and elegant look of lip piercing. It is especially popular among girls. The puncture is performed over the upper lip on the right, imitating the birthmark of Marilyn Monroe. It is extremely rare to perform a second lip puncture on the opposite side, in this case, the important role played by symmetry, it should be perfect.
  2. Madonna.
    1. This type of lip piercing is carried out over the upper lip, on the left side.
  3. Smiley.
    1. Piercing, which is seen when a person is smiling. It is an oral piercing where jewelry of your choice is inserted into your lip frenulum (labial frenum).
  4. Medusa
    1. Medusa or philtrum piercing positions a stud in the center groove above the cupid's-bow of the lip. A piercer usually fits the piercing with a long labret stud. Also, since the year 2000 there is a variety of "medusa": horizontal and vertical.
  5. Lowbret.
    1. Puncture is made under the lower lip. This style can also be vertical and horizontal. With a vertical puncture, the earring reaches the chin.
  6. Ashley.
    1. Puncture is carried out in the center of the lower lip (on the outer or inner side of the lip). Rare, but very chic kind of lip modification. Painful sensations and long healing are typical for this type of piercing.
  7. Jestrum.
    1. Vertical piercing of the lower lip. Puncture is also performed in the center.
  8. Labret.
    1. It is a very popular piercing located just below the bottom lip. To summarise a labret piercing is basically a lip stud. Bananas, halfrings, rings will be the most suitable decorations.

In addition to all the above types of lip modification, there are many more styles called "bites". For example: snake bite, dahlia, spider, dolphin, etc. The most original of all the bites is a dahlia bite. This type is carried out by puncturing the corners of the oral cavity. Jewerly is used in the form of bananas rings and halfrings, as well as spikes, micro - bananas.

Lip piercing
Lip piercing

What type of jewelry
is best for lip piercing?

Lip piercing has many styles, so the earrings for this body modification are also used several types.

  • Bananas, micro - bananas. This is jewerly in the form of a curved bar, balls of different colors are placed at its ends.
  • Segmental rings are used only when it is about a modification of the mouth area. For flat punctures, these rings are not suitable because it is inconvenient to operate. Segment rings are simple rings that can be divided into parts.
  • The usage of circulars. The decoration resembles rings, but instead of separate parts on the edges are threaded joints. These earrings can be of different shapes.
  • Labrets. The earrings are a decorative top with a diamond or rhinestones, which is attached by a flat backing.
Lip piercing
Lip piercing
Lip piercing

Recommendations and aftercare

Each type of piercing requires careful aftercare, and lip modification especially, because it is a very sensitive area of the face.

When processing a punctured place, it is necessary to remember that the puncture should be processed from both sides. It is very important not to forget about rinsing the oral cavity with solutions, which the master will recommend.

Lip piercing
Lip piercing
What should you
avoid with a lip piercing?

Body modification of any type may involve a certain percentage of health risk.

Therefore, it is necessary to get acquainted with the main contraindications to the piercing procedure:

  • The main contraindication is herpes, as well as other different dermis diseases;
  • Colds are also contraindications;
  • During pregnancy it is necessary to refrain from puncturing any part of the body; as extraneous interventions are not recommended during pregnancy;
  • Piercing is also contraindicated for people with blood diseases; puncture will heal for a very long time, unwanted effects may occur;
  • The reduced immune system is also a restriction on piercing.

The main consequences of lip piercing include: swelling, rotting or infection. When rotting it is necessary to remove the earring, apply to the puncture site a compress with antiseptic medication, as well as more carefully care for the punctured part of the body. But it should be noted that festering puncture may not only from poor aftercare, just may not fit metal earrings, or its weight. Quite heavy decoration pulls out the skin, preventing it from fully recovering. In this case, the jewerly must be replaced with a lighter one. If metal decoration does not fit, it is also worth picking up another alloy: gold, silver or medical alloy.

Lip piercing
Lip piercing
Lip piercing
What is the process
of lip piercing?

Lip puncture can be carried out with a specially pistol or a needle.

Many masters claim that the needle is the ideal tool for piercing. Because, when you’re working with a gun, you can get skin particles into the plate, which can cause further piercing procedures to get infected blood. Some reviews of people say that you can also replace a professional needle with an ordinary catheter, which is sold in each pharmacy. What exactly to perform puncture, you decide.

So, how does lip piercing work? Consider one of the popular styles of lip modification - "smiley".

  • The very first step in the procedure of puncturing the upper frenulum is to reduce salivation. It is necessary to use cotton swabs to place places under the tongue and near the jaws in order to reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth. Cotton swabs can be twisted themselves, or already ready to buy in the pharmacy.
  • The piercing area must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic.
  • The upper lip is pulled up as high as possible in order to easily pierce the frenulum.
  • On the frenulum you need to find a bright area that is punctured. If the frenulum is quite large, the earring will be very faintly visible; if the frenulum is set low, the earring will be visible when smiling and during conversation.
  • At the end of the procedure, cotton swabs should be removed from the oral cavity and the mouth thoroughly rinsed with an antimicrobial agent (as recommended by the master).

Lip piercing

"Smiley" is not accompanied by pain, and also during the procedure does not protrude blood.

To pierce any other part of the lips or places near the lip zone, special clamps are required. Clamps are required to fix the lip, as well as to ensure that the puncture is perfectly smooth, not oblique.

It is important to understand that lip piercing is a procedure that requires special knowledge, skills and good experience. So, it is better not to experiment with an independent puncture, and turn to a good specialist in the field of piercing. If you have not decided on a real lip piercing, but the desire to have lip piercing does not leave you - the help comes fake piercing. In other words - false piercing, in which there is no puncture. Just put on a imitated earring, which for a while will decorate the desired area of the lip.

Do not be afraid to experiment, become more original and brighter, do not be afraid to show your individuality through lip piercing. Turn to good, experienced professionals, discover the world of lip piercing and new vivid sensations.

Lip piercing
Lip piercing
Lip piercing
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