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«Viking Tattoos:
The key to power
and freedom»

The Vikings are legendary seafarers, warriors, traders and conquerors who lived in Scandinavia from the late 8th to the late 11th centuries.

They were known for their courage, strength and freedom of spirit. It is no wonder that these tattoos are very popular in our time.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo

Interesting facts
about these sketches

  • Only a few original Viking tattoos have survived to this day and have been found on mummies. They were made with charcoal, which was rubbed into the incisions on the skin.
  • These body images often had symbolic some meaning. For example, Thor’s hammer (Myolnir) meant strength and protection, and runes meant wisdom and luck.
  • Viking body images were popular among both men and women. Women often chose animals, plants, or abstract symbols.

Viking tattoo

Tattoos and their

  • Strength and courage. Vikings often symbolize strength and courage. Eskis with Thor’s hammer, sword or shield, for example, emphasize these qualities.
  • Freedom and independence. These people were known for their freedom of spirit. Meaning can be a symbol of freedom and independence.
  • Faith and tradition. The Viking image may have a religious or traditional meaning. For example, tattoos with runes or symbols of Norse mythology emphasize belonging to a particular culture.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo

Different styles

Tattoos can be made in different styles.

The most popular are:

  • Realism. This style allows to recreate as accurately as possible the image of Vikings.
  • Traditional. This style is characterized by simple, clear lines and bright colors.
  • Geometric. This style is based on the use of geometric shapes and ornaments.
  • Abstract. This style allows you to create originality and uniqueness.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Popular Tattoo

Among the most popular options are the following:

  • Vikings. These can be portraits of individual warriors, as well as entire scenes of battles or marches.
  • Animals. Vikings had strong ties to animals. Therefore, tattoos with animals such as eagle, wolf, bear or snake are very popular.
  • Runes. Runes were sacred symbols for Vikings. Runes may have different meanings depending on the particular symbol.
  • Symbols of Norse mythology. Viking mythology is rich in interesting characters and symbols. Tattoos on the body with these symbols can be both a simple beautification and symbols of deep meaning.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Tattoo Designs
for women

Tattoos for women are often different from those which are chosen by men.

They are more refined and elegant. Women often choose animals, plants or abstract symbolism. Popular options are:

  • Animal figures. For example, images of deer, moose, fox or cat.
  • Plants. For example, tattoo of runes, roses, cherries or cross.
  • Abstract symbols. For example, patterns, ornaments or geometric figures.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Tattoo ideas
for men

Men usually choose large and more colorful tattoos.

They often symbolize strength, courage and freedom. Popular options are:

  • Vikings. Portraits of individual warriors, whole scenes of battles or marches.
  • Animals. Eagle, wolf, bear, snake.
  • Runes. Myolnir, Fehu, Teivaz, Uruz.
  • Symbols of Norse mythology. Thor, Odin, Freyr, Freya.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo

The most common places for getting Viking for men:

  • Shoulders. Wide shoulder is the perfect place for big tattoos.
  • Hands. Hands always attract attention.
  • Breasts. Breasts are a symbol of masculinity and strength.
  • Back. The back is a big space for creativity.

Viking tattoo
Viking tattoo
Tattoos: the key
to self-expression

The image on the body with Vikings is not just a decoration.

It is a way to express yourself and convey your values. They can be a symbol of strength, courage, freedom, faith or tradition.

If you want to get a Viking tattoo, it is important to think hard about its meaning and style of performance. So, you can find a tattoo that will reflect your individuality and become the real key to your soul.

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