Angel tattoo
The body image can tell a lot about its owner.
People rarely get tattoo for short-term creative motives, for the most part, a body image is the fruit of meaningful decision. First comes the idea of making a tattoo, after, as a rule, a long thought can stop on a specific sketch, and then begin to do the work. Each step is important. The most exciting and inspiring action in this process is the choice of tattoo. You can spend a lot of time searching for a suitable sketch, but most of the clients of body art studios choose «classic» types of tattoos, those that carry a powerful and fair message, look stylish outside of time and fashion trends. Angel tattoos are one of the top-one things in the world. Let’s figure out why this tattoo is popular and what does it mean?

What does an angel tattoo symbolize?
The associative series that occurs when an angel tattoo is mentioned cannot bear anything bad.
An angel is a charm, a force that guards, leads life. Since many world religions do not approve of native drawings, it is not necessary to speak directly about the fact that having made an angel tattoo, you will be protected. But, that light image, which represents the angel, still attracts many connoisseurs of native drawings, so in tattoo parlors this type of sketch is very popular.

What does the angel tattoo say about its owner?
If there is a man standing in front of you with an angel tattoo, know that he/she believes in the higher powers that guide him through life.
Some people visualize a body art in the form of an angel in order to convey to others their traits of character: kindness, honesty, peace-loving. In terms of gender differences, when choosing such a sketch, women want to show their spiritual purity and softness, men - the power to protect their beloved ones.
In general, the tattoo angel says that the person wishes:
- Show originality.
- Protect oneself from adversity.
- Have own personal protection.
- Be calm and kind.
It is not uncommon for a picture of an angel on the body to suggest that a person is trying to preserve the memory of a dear departed friend, relative or lover. Thus, reminding himself/herself and others that someone is in his/her memory forever.

Variety of angel tattoo sketches and their meaning
Despite the pure image of the angel, with the choice of sketch you should not be rushed, it is necessary to focus on every detail.
The slightest nuances are capable of bringing about enormous changes in its interpretation. Angel tattoos are often used in the practice of tattooing prisoners. Therefore, it is worth to distinguish sketches of angels on their stylistic performance:
- Archangel speaks about the high spirituality of man, his/her desire to live in love and humility. The tattoo shows that the man trusts the higher forces, believes in the pure and sacred and is ready to defend his/her beliefs.
- Guardian Angel. Tattoo, which can be seen as a body image from people who have known grief loss. They need, accept and appreciate heavenly protection.
- The angel in prayer. Those who want to redeem themselves, acknowledge own mistakes, remember that a person is sinful and for that need to be held responsible.
- Angel and demon. The combined tattoo shows that man remembers the struggle of the entities living in him and the world around him. Often this type of sketch is chosen by those who have addictive habits, struggle with them.
- Wings of an angel. The tattoo is placed in the upper back, thus showing that its owner is under powerful heavenly protection.
Usually, the angel tattoo has no restrictions in the method of application or style You can develop individual sketches or use the top finished samples - the choice is yours.

Is it important to choose the right place for an angel tattoo?
Often, the angel tattoo is on the hand, complementing it with other body images of religious themes.
Men prefer to beat massive angel tattoos on their back, emphasizing their power by the scale of the drawing. In the fair sex you can often find cute angelic charms that emphasize their feminine weakness and desire to be protected. There are no specific restrictions on the place of application of the native pattern of the angel, you can go to experiments.
Fragility and strength in the image of an angel are combined qualities. Every person needs protection. If you decide to make a tattoo, it is better if it is a meaningful, deep and carrying power body image. Tattoo angel is the best way to do this. Remember that everyone is given by faith. Your angel will help you not to forget about it.